Nearly every form of government depends on geospatial intelligence to meet its mission. Government agencies use location-based technology to foster innovation in their organizations and build smart communities. True North utilizes the Esri GIS enterprise platform to break through barriers and create collaborative organizations that make the most of location data. Give your staff the geospatial technology they need to improve operations and service delivery. At the same time, provide citizens access to the online maps, open data and applications they want.
Asset Tracking and Analysis
Asset managers must minimize risks and maximize performance while managing cost and resources for both fixed and moving assets. Innovative managers use smart maps and dashboards to achieve a holistic view of their assets. Location intelligence enhances day-to-day operations such as inspections, maintenance, and investment planning.
Economic Development
To be successful, economic developers need to understand their community's strengths—whether it's an educated and diverse workforce, affordable housing, lower cost of living, great transportation, or a thriving local economy. Leaders can use location intelligence to visualize and analyze business and community growth potential, combining data about demographics, lifestyle, and spending. This strategic approach helps communities create jobs, identify opportunities for economic gardening, and attract new business.
Safety and Security
Communities around the world face increasingly complex threats and hazards that place their safety and security at risk. Leaders use location intelligence to see areas of high risk and vulnerability, then optimize their response plans to increase their resilience. Shared maps and data-driven analysis help organizations respond to and recover from incidents in real time.
gis training,
gis for government,
local government.
Manufacturers use AI systems to optimize supply chain logistics, automate inspections and quality control, plan predictive maintenance, and flag any unusual activities before they slow production.
Banks and financial analysts apply machine learning to detect fraud, plan a branch location or even a network of multiple locations, and perform predictive risk assessments.
Government agencies use machine learning algorithms on georeferenced drone and satellite imagery to automate fieldwork, model growth scenarios, predict crop yields, and assess crop health in real time.
Critical incidents, including natural disasters, terrorism, and cyberattacks, are becoming more frequent, intense, and complex. Sharing location-based data in real time about the scope, scale, and complexity of a crisis helps prioritize incident response and ensures that appropriate resources are available to help save lives and property. Sharing situational awareness enables collaboration and coordination between the operations center and the field and across government, business, and community agencies that are working together.
During an incident, implementing a suite of real-time tools for operations centers and field personnel keeps everyone aligned on the mission and helps restore order to the chaos.
Quickly analyze data to coordinate incident response, eliminate duplication of effort, and guide first responders to where help is needed most.
Deploy mobile applications to streamline damage assessments.
Create a shared map to allow first responders, law enforcement, leaders, and citizens to collaborate.

In the early hours of March 3rd, 2020 a devastating tornado swept through the city and outskirts of Nashville, TN. It is recorded at the 6th costliest tornado disaster in US History. True North Geographic Technologies utilized GIS to aid Nashville in the recovery